- Verb To Be (past and present)

- Demonstrative pronouns

- Nationality adjectives

- Verb there to be

- Present continuos

- Plural of nouns

- Adjectives

- Prepositions

- Uso: do-does

- Infinitivo (affirmative-negative form)

- Personal pronouns

- Verb to have

- Simple present

- Simple past (regular  verbs)

- The condicional tense

- The past continuous tense

- Future com “going to”

- Future “will”

- Object pronouns

- Possessive adjective and possessive pronouns

- Adverb

- There to be

- Opposite

- Cognatos

- Reflexive pronouns

- Interrogative pronouns

- Indefinites  (some-any-no)

- Compounds of some – any – no

- Qualitative (much – many)

- Opposites

- Text and comprehension

- Modais